Administrative Probation is a form of non-reporting probation. While on non reporting probation, you have a probation officer assigned to monitor compliance with any court orders. You are required to contact your assigned probation officer to report:

  • Any change in employment
  • Any change in residence
  • To request permission to travel out of state

administrative probation

Conditions of Administrative Probation

As a condition of non reporting probation, the probation department may allow you the ability to mail in the following documentation:

  • Verification of community service hours
  • Verification of any required program(s
  • Payments of restitution
  • Payment of fees and court costs.

Occasionally, while on Administrative Probation, you may be required to report to meet with your probation officer or with the Probation department in person. While on probation,  you will be expected to follow the reporting instructions, not to commit any new crimes, and to complete any of the requirements for probation as outlined by the Court. If you fail to follow any of your conditions your case will be returned to court for a probation violation hearing.

Is Administrative Probation an Option

In some instances, administrative probation is an option, especially as a punishment for lower level offenses, and misdemeanor drug offenses, such as misdemeanor drug possession. Contact a criminal defense attorney to discuss potential options that might be available to you as a potential sentencing option if you are convicted of a crime. Call a criminal attorney today at 317-820-2314

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At Nobelsville Legal Services, we make it our duty to go above and beyond the normal expectations to serve each and every one of our clients. It is our goal to pride ourselves on consistently providing excellent customer service while always maintaining full and open communication.

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